Getting started as a GM with TorontoDnD

So you've decided to throw your hat in with us and run some games for the community? Well you're in the right place! Read on for all the details...

Why Run Games for TorontoDnD?

Aside from being a whole lot of fun, running games has few benefits:

  • We have a monthly prize draw for gift cards for the Guild House. Every time you DM you get a ticket added to the draw, every time you host you also get a ticket.
  • If you run at least one game per month you request access to our dndbeyond account with all content enabled. You can use this in your home games as well which can be immensely valuable! Once you have claimed a table just request access and we will set you up! Note that our library of content includes all 1st party content available on the platform.
  • If you have GM'd in the two weeks leading up to an event going live you get 24 hour advance access to purchase tickets. Every time you DM allows you to get early access for two events. Our games sell out very quickly so this can be a great way to make sure you get the seats you want!
  • Everytime you GM an event you also get a session credit that you can apply to any of your characters. This lets you quickly level up your favourite PC!
  • You get to help all sorts of great people find games to play in! It's also a great feeling and a great way to meet new people and maybe recruit them for your home game!

Getting Started

  1. First up, you'll need to create an account on our website if you don't have one already. If you're not registered you'll see a very creatively labelled "Register" link in the top right corner of the website. Click that thing!
  2. Once you are registered you will be taken to your profile page. On this page turn on the switch labelled "I am interested in being a DM occasionally". This will allow you to sign up for games and you will get the occasional email from admin about upcoming games that need DMs etc.
  3. Next up, take some time to review these documents
  4. When you're ready head on over to the Events Page. There you will see a list of upcoming events and tables that we are running. Click on any of the "GM Needed" links to claim that table.
  5. Show up on the night of (ideally a bit early to setup) and have a blast!

What's Next?

When new events are added to the schedule you will get an email notifying you. Pick any games you want and that's that!

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